About Us

Our Story:

The Global Trade Alert (GTA) is the world’s premier repository of policy changes affecting global trade and investment. The GTA launched in June 2009, when it was feared that the global financial crisis would lead governments to adopt 1930s-style beggar-thy-neighbour policies. Since then, our independent team has documented tens of thousands state interventions worldwide and our evidence is regularly used by governments, international organisations and leading media brands around the globe.

Our Mission:

We believe that globalisation can be better managed to produce more balanced outcomes for the whole of society. Our goal is to provide stakeholders with high-quality data and neutral analysis in order to make better informed decisions.

What We Do:

The Global Trade Alert is a free, independent, fact-based record that tracks policy developments in 60+ markets covering trade in goods & services, FDI and labour.
Here's how we do it:

  • Constant Monitoring: We track and document all discriminatory and liberalising trade and investment measures announced by the world’s largest economies.
  • Expert Oversight: Our experts review each new regulation and provide a link to the official source so you can independently verify the details.
  • Rigorous Analysis: We provide regular analysis and topical reports to help you understand how the global trading system is changing.

Our Latest Initiatives:

The Capacities for Trade Policies (C4TP) initiative offers tailor-made dashboards to easily access information on trade policy dynamics. This database is intended to assist developing country governments better understand the commercial policy positions of G20 economies.

The New Industrial Policy Observatory (NIPO) is the world's preeminent repository of corporate subsidy awards from the world's top economies. NIPO’s aim is to help governments and companies better understand evolving policy dynamics so they can tailor their decisions for a new era of geopolitical rivalry.

Contact Our Team:

The GTA is an initiative of the Swiss-based St. Gallen Endowment for Prosperity Through Trade, a neutral, non-profit organisation dedicated to increasing transparency of global policies affecting the digital economy, trade and investment.

Simon Evenett
Founder of the St.Gallen Endowment

Ana Elena Sancho Calvino
Head of GTA Monitoring

Fernando Martin
Head of GTA Analytics